Thursday, March 27, 2008

Find the Divine Books Challenge!

In a previous thread we got into a minor debate about how many books (actually texts) there were in the world which are claimed (by someone) to be written by God, gods, or similar supernartural or alien beings possessing supernatural or similar powers. In other words, not just ordinary books written by ordinary people. I wrote that there were probably thousands of such books, though when challenged on that I could only think of the OT, NT and Koran off the top of my head. Deganev claims the NT and the Koran don't count (not sure why) so in fact the Torah is the only book ever to have been claimed to have been written by a supernatural being. This is clearly false, but rather than me do the research, I figure I can sit back and let my readers do the work for me. So the challenge for you fine folks is as follows:

Find as many holy books, texts or scrolls as possible that people have claimed were written by God, gods or similar. The person with the most texts wins.

[Note: Some texts are considered 'holy' or 'sacred'. But that doesn't count. They must be books which were written, dictated or substantially influenced by a supernatural being. The Book of Mormon for example would count, since it was dictated to Joseph Smith by an Angel. Or so he claimed.]

UPDATE: The list so far:

Book of Mormon
Bhagavad Gita?
Mishnah/Talmud (written with ruach hakodesh so it counts)